Tuesday, April 26, 2011


In popular usage, the term "pawn" refers to someone or something that is manipulated or used. A "pawn" is expendable and of little value than to accomplished some limited goal, to push the game forward.

But a chess player will understand that a pawn is really so much more than that. It was Philidor that said "Pawns are the soul of chess." Prior to him chess players thought only to push the pawns forward and eliminate them quickly to allow other peices room to develop.

Philidor believed that pawns, played well, could be just as powerful as the major pieces in chess. Philidor, in his day, became the top chess master in the world. He famously played three chess games blindfolded, simultaneously. In the third match his oppenent even had a handicap. He won all three matches.

"Pawns are the soul of chess."

On my board, pawns are of incredible worth. I couldn't make it without them.

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