Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Black Queen

This was a note I posted on Facebook that also works as my blog post. It is a joint memoir of myself and the character from my novel, Bayrd Anstal:

I hated her when I first met her.

It was nothing she did either... or well, part of it was, but mostly it was about who she was spending time with. I mistakenly thought he was her boyfriend. The fact that he wasn't didn't change the fact that she spent time with this guy. "Tell me who thy company is and I will tell thee who thou art."

So I came to the conclusion that she was a pompous, rude person. He was undeniably intelligent, and I could see that she was as well. I'm no idiot myself, I am drawn to intellectual people, but the arrogance and overweening personality of this guy repulsed me.

There was one major problem.

She was gorgeous. I disliked the girl, but couldn't help but keep an eye on her. And then she started showing up among my circle of friends, she was there in some of the same activities I did, she was in, what I would now call Black Territory, but I would have considered her little more than a white pawn, bishop at best.

Little did I know that she would undeniably become the Black Queen.

This is eternally significant. She was the Black Queen. Not at any point did Jennifer become the Black Queen. While that might sound harsh, keep in mind that in this game of chess (life) the King and Queen are not necessarily romantically involved. In Neville's books the Black Queen marries the Black Knight, the Black Bishop marries the White Queen, (a different) Black Queen marries (a different) White King... position on the board does not dictate a relationship between pieces.

Bayrd-- In a moment of personal tragedy she was the one that carried me through it all, the one that empathized and made herself available. In the strength of her love, love for someone that hated her, she changed my heart.

DXW-- I am not even sure when it happened or how. As I saw her more and more I began to see her distinctly for who she was and learned to not associate her with that pompoous, arrogant attitude I assumed she had. She was actually, intelligent, sweet, funny, and just fun to be with. And did I mention she was gorgeous?

Then one day she passed me a letter. I will never forget it because it said plainly, "I love you." In that moment I was transfigured. With those three words my heart melted.

Bayrd and DXW-- In the months that followed the relationship grew. She was amazing. There was no one I would have rather spent time with. Even now she is rarely far from thought or mind. She and I shared deep secrets and concerns, we beared our souls to each other. I may have never been so bluntly honest about my feelings and who I was with any other human being in my life. And the times that I held something back, she knew it all as if she could read my mind.

Then tragedy struck, and I didn't see her again. That was when my (our?) life (lives?) changed forever.

OK, joint memoir idea was a little odd. But I hope point made. Judging someone before getting to know them nearly cost me the strongest piece on my board, and poorly handling personal tragedy removed the piece.

The story is deliberately left hanging. Bayrd's story will be finished in the novel. The story of my life isn't written to completion yet.

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